Getting Started

To get started with PyDrake, you will need to register for an API key.

API Keys

There are three types of API keys available from Riot:

Development Key
These keys are generally used for testing API endpoints or libraries (like this one). They must be regenerated every 24 hours and have a heavy rate limit of 10 requests per second and up to 100 per 2 minutes.
Personal Project Key
These keys never expire, but require an application to Riot in order to obtain one. They are also subject to the same rate limiting as Development Keys.
Application Project Key
These keys also never expire, but require an application along with a functional prototype in order to obtain one. However, these keys have much more relaxed rate limits, allowing you to handle the large amount of traffic a production app would create.

You can click any of the above titles to see where you can apply for each of the keys.

Installing PyDrake

To install the latest version of PyDrake, simply run:

pip install pydrake

Creating an API Instance

Now in order to access Riot’s API, all you have to do is create a PyDrake object.

from pydrake import PyDrake

api = PyDrake("my_api_key")

Basic API Interaction

Let’s try using some of the basic functionality of PyDrake. This library is object-oriented, and adds a large amount of abstraction to the library. This allows you to focus on using the API rather than having to process the data yourself. Let’s first try to gather your summoner information.

me = api.get_summoner_by_name("Summoner Name", "Region Code")


Summoner names are case-sensitive

This will print your summoner level to the console.

>> 103


For a full list of supported region codes, see Supported Region Codes.

Congratulations! You are now ready to use PyDrake! For more advanced API functionality, see Advanced API Usage.