Full API Reference

Welcome to the full API reference, here you can find the specific documentation for every public function in PyDrake. This section of the documentation is organised into Riot’s API interfaces.

The PyDrake Class

class pydrake.PyDrake(api_key, rate_limit_mode='hard', show_rate_limit_warnings=False)

PyDrake is the main API wrapper class that will be used to call all Riot Games API functions

  • api_key – Your Riot Games API Key (to retrieve this, see API Keys)
  • rate_limit_mode – The rate-limiting mode to use. Defaults to hard. Can be set to: +———-+—————————————————————+ | soft | | PyDrake will attempt to execute a request, on receiving a | | | | 429 response code it will wait the amount of time specified | | | | in the Retry-After response header | +———-+—————————————————————+ | hard | | PyDrake will raise a RateLimitError on receiving a 429 | | | | response code | +———-+—————————————————————+
  • show_rate_limit_warnings – Determines whether or not a RateLimitWarning will be shown when the program has to wait for a rate limit. Defaults to False.

See pydrake.ddragon.get_champion_by_id()


Retrieves the full data for a match from an item in a MatchList object

Parameters:match – The entry from a MatchList object to retrieve further data for
Returns:a pydrake.matchv4.Match object containing all of the data about the match

Retrieves the ranking information for the given summoner and returns a RankedSummoner object containing the new information

Parameters:summoner – The old summoner object to extend
Returns:A pydrake.leaguev4.RankedSummoner object
get_summoner_by_name(name, region)

Retrieve statistics about a summoner which will be found by the given name.

  • name – The name of the summoner
  • region – The region code that the account belongs to

A pydrake.summonerv4.Summoner object containing the parsed data from the API


Summoner names are case-sensitive


For a full list of supported region codes, see Supported Region Codes.


Retrieves the matchlist (recent match history ~150 games) for the given summoner

Parameters:summoner – The summoner to retrieve match data for
Returns:A pydrake.matchv4.MatchList object




Data Dragon

class pydrake.ddragon.Champion(data)

Encapsulates information about a Champion from the Data Dragon API

  • id – The Champion’s ID
  • name – The Champion’s name (e.g. Kai’Sa)
  • title – The Champion’s title (e.g. Daughter of the Void)
  • blurb – The Champion’s description


This should only be created through pydrake.PyDrake.get_champion_by_id()


Retrieves a Champion object from the Riot database with the given ID

Parameters:id – the ID of the champion.
Returns:a pydrake.ddragon.Champion object with the given ID


This should only be called through pydrake.PyDrake.get_champion_by_id()

Supported Region Codes

Region Code
Brazil br1
Europe West euw1
Europe Nordic & East eun1
Japan jp1
Korea kr1
Latin America North la1
Latin America South la2
North America na, na1
Oceania oc1
Turkey tr1
Russia ru
Public Beta pbe1


The NA region has two associated platform values - NA and NA1. Older summoners will have the NA platform associated with their account, while newer summoners will have the NA1 platform associated with their account.